Events — Opioid Safety Coalitions: How to Use LiveStories to Engage Your Community

Two Events — See Details Below

About This Event

Webinar One: Familiarizing Yourself with the LiveStories Platform

LiveStories makes it easy to create charts and maps with your data and to combine graphics with storytelling elements to help people understand the opioid epidemic and learn about solutions. Hear from Andy Krackov as he gives a guided tour of the platform and describes the nuts and bolts of building your data story. What chart will showcase your data properly? How do you create a map? What are some sample LiveStories to learn from? A recording of this webinar, held May 11, 2016, is available below.

Webinar Two: Storytelling with Data and Beyond

LiveStories gives you the ability to inform and educate the public, journalists, and decisionmakers with data but also a story. To reach those audiences, you need compelling narratives, ideally from a range of stakeholders. A personal story, a quote from law enforcement, a profile of a pharmacist or provider — when it comes to writing your story, how can you captivate your audience and also stay on message? Hear from Laura Saponara and Elizabeth Galicia from i.e. communications as they walk you through basic template options for your LiveStory. A recording of this webinar, held May 25, 2016, and the presentation slides are available below.

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