Q: Do you accept unsolicited letters of inquiry?
A: Yes. To submit a letter, please follow the instructions on the Making an Unsolicited Request page.
Q: Does CHCF provide grants to individuals?
A: CHCF does not provide scholarship or fellowship support for individuals, nor does it make grants that benefit only one individual.
Q: Does CHCF fund organizations outside California or make grants for projects outside of California?
A: Grants awarded by CHCF are not limited to California entities or to individuals residing in California. However, projects must have relevance to California health care delivery issues. Examples include national projects that have California-specific components, or projects that might result in insights that would inform California initiatives .
Q: What types of projects does CHCF fund?
A: CHCF supports projects that are aligned with its strategic goals. Applicants are encouraged to review the foundation’s goals, as well as the previously awarded grants, before submitting an application for funding. Most of CHCF’s grants are made through a competitive RFP process or to pre-identified organizations and individuals.
Application Process
Q: Can I submit a full proposal instead of a Letter of Inquiry (LOI)?
A: The foundation prefers to review an LOI prior to reviewing a full proposal. Follow the instructions on the Makng an Unsolicited Request page when submitting an LOI.
Q: Are there deadlines for submitting a request for funding?
A: No. LOIs are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Requests in response to an RFP should follow the instructions in the RFP.
Q: Are there guidelines for developing a proposal?
A: If you’ve been asked to submit a proposal, follow the Proposal Guidelines. These can be downloaded from the Submitting a Proposal page.
Q: Does the foundation have a budget template to use when developing a grant budget, or does it have guidelines for developing a budget?
A: Yes. Budget templates and guidelines can be downloaded from the Submitting a Proposal page.
Q: How does CHCF define direct and indirect costs?
A: Direct. CHCF defines direct costs as those specifically identifiable and directly attributable to work conducted under a project, such as personnel costs, project supplies and materials, and travel costs. Direct costs may also include the program-related portion of costs that support multiple organization functions, such as facilities, utilities, and telephone/internet services (sometimes referred to as shared or allocated costs).
Indirect. CHCF defines indirect costs as general and administrative costs of an organization that are not specifically identifiable or directly attributable to the work conducted under a funded project.
Q: What is CHCF’s indirect cost rate policy?
A: The California Health Care Foundation has updated its indirect cost (IDC) policy to better align with best practices in the field of philanthropy and with its own values of equity and transparency. As part of our process, CHCF analyzed its portfolio of grantees and concluded that an IDC rate of 20% is applicable to the majority of its nonprofit grantees. Read the full policy for more details.
For project grants issued on or after July 1, 2024, CHCF has adopted the following policy:
- Nonprofit organizations (except colleges, universities, and hospitals) and government entities are no longer restricted by a minimum or maximum IDC rate for project grants.
- A grantee requesting an IDC rate above 20% should speak with their program officer to discuss their request. CHCF may request additional details to understand how the grantee calculates its IDC rate, and may request to negotiate.
- Nonprofit colleges, universities, and hospitals are capped at 20% in indirect costs for project grants.
- Consultants, subcontracts, and subawards should be excluded from direct project costs on which the IDC rate is applied.
- The policy does not apply to for-profit entities or individual consultants.
- The policy does not apply to general operating support grants, conference and event sponsorships, or stipends, which do not require grantees to identify direct and indirect costs.
Q: How did CHCF arrive at its policy?
A: In 2023, CHCF partnered with BDO to conduct an analysis of its grantee portfolio to inform revisions to CHCF’s indirect cost (IDC) policy. The result of this analysis (see below) concluded that the median IDC rate for its nonprofit grantees is 20%. To provide maximum flexibility, CHCF decided not to impose a cap or floor on its IDC policy but rather use the results of this analysis as a proxy for grantees.
Q: Do I need to show other project support? What about in-kind support?
A: If the foundation is asked to support only a portion of the funding for the project, the budget should have separate columns for the total budget and for CHCF’s portion. In-kind support may also be reflected in a separate column. An RFP might instruct applicants otherwise.
Current Grantees
Q: How do I log in to CHCF’s Grants Portal?
A: If you are a current CHCF grantee, your username was emailed to you. If you have forgotten your username, please contact CHCF Grants Administration. If you have forgotten your password, use the “Can’t access your account” link on the the CHCF Grants Portal homepage.
Q: How do I submit a deliverable?
A: Deliverables should be submitted online through CHCF’s Grants Portal.
Q: Where can I find reporting guidelines?
A: Reporting guidelines and templates can be found on the Grantee Resources page.
Q: Can we reallocate funds or make a rebudgeting request after a budget has been approved?
A: Budget changes that exceed $1,000 or 10% of the approved line item must be requested in writing and approved by CHCF before being implemented. Please refer to your grant agreement for details.
Q: What if a project is running behind the approved time frame described in the grant contract?
A: If you require additional time to complete a funded project, please request a no-cost extension in writing from the CHCF program staff responsible for the grant. Please provide a revised timetable for any outstanding deliverables.
Q: What if there is a change in the project director, or other key personnel, for the project?
A: Grantees must notify CHCF of any change in project director or other key personnel, and those changes must be approved by CHCF staff. This process should follow your grant agreement.