Lakshmi Dhanvanthari, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Health Plan of San Joaquin

CIN Managing Partner

Lakshmi Dhanvanthari joined the Health Plan of San Joaquin as chief medical officer in 2013 and brought to the role extensive experience in directing and coordinating utilization management, case management, health and disease management, pharmacy, clinical analytics, and quality improvement programs to ensure delivery of cost-effective, quality health care.

HPSJ is a publicly sponsored, not-for-profit HMO with contracts with the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to manage health care for over 400,000 Medi-Cal members in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties. HPSJ develops strong community partnerships with a network of providers, local public health leaders, community-based organizations, and local governmental agencies.

Dhanvanthari has significant experience in managing the complex issues of members with state-funded insurance programs such as Medicaid and SCHIP programs. She volunteers in various community efforts to invest in the future of health care in the local community. She serves on the Community Health Fund Committee of the Community Foundation of San Joaquin. She chairs the Community Partnership Advisory Council of the Health Careers Academy.

Dhanvanthari is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatrics.

She is serving as a managing partner for the 2023-2024 cycle of the California Improvement Network, a project of the California Health Care Foundation that is managed by Healthforce Center at UCSF.