CIN Partner Meeting – Equitable Co-Design in Health Care to Advance Health Equity

About This Event

This California Improvement Network (CIN) partner meeting, the first in the 2023-2024 cycle, aimed to establish network connections and build relationships among CIN partners with the goal of spreading innovative ideas within the health ecosystem. CIN brings together health care and social services organizations to advance equitable health care experiences and outcomes for Californians through cross-sector connections, spreading good ideas, and implementing improvements.

This in-person meeting hosted focused on one of CIN’s priority areas – strengthening foundations and advancing health equity. The keynote by Dr. Stella Safo, founder of Just Equity for Health and an HIV primary care physician at Mount Sinai Health Systems, highlighted the foundational need for co-creation between health systems and community-based groups to address the social drivers of health.

Read highlights of Dr. Safo’s keynote.

The event included a conversation between Dr. Safo and Karyn Young-Lowe, president and CEO at LightHouse Social Service Centers, about lessons learned on building cross-sector relationships by health care and social services organizations.

CIN partners had the opportunity to dive into designing a CIN health equity pledge, which aims to confirm the network members’ commitment to achieving health equity, supports actions that partners can take individually and at their organization, and offers a way to measure the network’s impact on health equity.

This CIN partner meeting focused on the following learning objectives:

  • Build connections among CIN partners
  • Gain insights into effective cross-sector relationships to advance equitable health
  • Begin to co-design the CIN health equity pledge

Learn more about the California Improvement Network, a project of the California Health Care Foundation that is managed by Healthforce Center at UCSF, and sign up for the CIN newsletter.

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