CIN Webinar — Cultural Competency and Indigenous Communities

About This Event

California is home to over 100 federally recognized Indigenous Tribes, each recognized as a sovereign government with its own unique language, customs, and traditions. California Indigenous people have experienced attempted genocide, forced removal from their lands, and the destruction of cultural practices. These traumatic experiences, also known as historical trauma, continue to impact the health of Tribal people.

In this one-hour webinar, Gayle Zepeda, a Tribal leader and adjunct professor at Mendocino College in Ukiah, provided historic and contemporary information about issues that impact the health of Indigenous people in California with a focus on how federal and state policies continue to shape health outcomes.

The purpose of this webinar was to provide information to help you to better understand and serve this population by:

  • Increasing awareness of the impact of historical trauma on the health of Indigenous people.
  • Increasing awareness of the health disparities that impact the well-being of Indigenous people.
  • Identifying strategies for working with Tribes and Tribal health consortia to improve health outcomes.

This webinar was open to all and encouraged for individuals working at health and human services organizations that are interested in learning more about how to best partner and work with Tribes and Tribal health consortia across California. This event was not recorded.

See a written summary of the discussion.

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