Publications / Covered California Enrollment by Zip Code, March 2016

Covered California Enrollment by Zip Code, March 2016

In 2016, 1.4 million Californians bought insurance through Covered California, the health insurance marketplace established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Repeal of the ACA would put this population’s coverage at risk.

Use the interactive map below to find out the number of Covered California enrollees in each zip code. (Note that this map doesn’t reflect the number of Californians who received coverage through the expansion of Medi-Cal, also part of the ACA.) Of the more than 2,300 California zip codes, three of the five with the most enrollees are in Los Angeles County:

  • 92683 (Orange County) = 5,150
  • 91770 (Los Angeles County) = 4,850
  • 94112 (San Francisco County) = 4,410
  • 91748 (Los Angeles County) = 4,100
  • 91776 (Los Angeles County) = 4,020

Download and sort the data in the Excel file below.


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