Projects / My Birth Matters: C-Section Consumer Education Campaign

My Birth Matters: C-Section Consumer Education Campaign

In the last few years, providers, payers, purchasers, policymakers, and others across California have been working together to reduce the overuse of low-risk, first-birth cesareans (c-sections). While c-sections can be lifesaving in limited circumstances, the surgery also brings serious risks for mothers and their babies. These stakeholders are taking action; for example, they are educating providers about how to improve clinical care, sharing well-vetted quality measures to help providers know how they are doing, and working to align payment for births with desired outcomes.

Patient education is another important component of this effort. The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC), and Consumer Reports have partnered to develop and launch My Birth Matters, an educational campaign aimed at informing expectant mothers about cesarean delivery. The goal is to support the statewide effort by educating women about the overuse of c-sections and encouraging meaningful conversations between patients and their care team.

Four short animated videos (approximately two minutes each) anchor the campaign. Links to all the videos can be found in the list of resources below. In addition, brochures and posters are available to display in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other care settings. All materials are free and available in English and Spanish. If you have questions about the campaign, email


My Birth Matters Resources

Suggested Tweets:

Did you know? Sometimes C-sections are needed. But some hospitals are quicker to perform a C-section than others, even when they could have been avoided. Educate yourself: #MyBirthMatters @CMQCC @CHCFNews @ConsumerReports Share on X Are you expecting a baby? Let your doctor know that you only want a C-section if it’s absolutely necessary. Your voice matters! By taking steps early, you can make a difference for you and your baby. #MyBirthMatters @CMQCC… Share on X If you want a healthy birth for your baby, it helps to have a strong birth team. Start building your birth team today. Learn more: #MyBirthMatters @cmqcc @CHCFNews @ConsumerReports Share on X

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