CIN Partner Meeting — Emerging Innovations: Health Care During a Pandemic

About This Event

Please note: This event is not open to the public. It is for representatives of California Improvement Network partner organizations only.

This partner meeting of the California Improvement Network (CIN) aims to continue to establish network connections and build relationships among partners with the goal of accelerating the spread of innovation in care delivery. As the only network in California that brings together commercial and safety-net provider organizations, health plans, and quality improvement groups, CIN fosters valuable cross-sector relationships across the state. To learn more about our priority areas and how to participate, visit About CIN.

This virtual meeting will focus on two of CIN’s priority areas for learning and action — resilient leadership and providing care differently — and is comprised of three connected events:

  • Friday, September 18, 10:00-11:30 AM (PT): Virtual keynote with Dr. Mitch Katz, President and CEO, NYC Health + Hospitals
  • Wednesday, October 7, 10:00-11:30 AM and 1:00-2:30 PM (PT): Two interactive sessions for all partners and guests

Keynote speaker Mitch Katz, President and CEO, NYC Health + Hospitals, will talk about his experiences leading during a crisis and his lessons learned. This CIN Partner meeting will focus on the following objectives:

  • Continue to establish network connections and build relationships between partners
  • Increase knowledge, share current efforts, and identify action steps to make progress in two CIN areas for action and learning:
    • Resilient leadership
    • Providing care differently

CIN is a project of the California Health Care Foundation, and is managed by Healthforce Center at the University of California, San Francisco.

For more information about CIN or this event, please contact

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