Publications / CIN Connections, Summer 2019 — Leadership for Continuous Change and Improvement

CIN Connections, Summer 2019 — Leadership for Continuous Change and Improvement

Lean management at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, how to lead through challenging times, and more

With rising costs, increasing burnout, and a rapidly changing environment, health care leaders may feel like they’re facing an uphill battle. This issue of CIN Connections features tips, advice, and actionable information for health care leaders to effectively lead change in their organizations. Susan Ehrlich, the CEO of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, explains how she leverages Lean methodologies to create a culture shift at the hospital. Jean S. Fraser, the CEO of Presidio Trust and former head of the San Mateo County Health System, offers her top tips on how to lead during challenging times — in her case, in the midst of an economic recession. CIN partners share their experiences, challenges, and tactics for managing change.

It turns out that leading with humility is really hard. Most people don’t expect leaders to be humble. In fact, at times you disappoint people by being humble. —Susan Ehrlich, CEO, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital