Clinify Health

Clinify Health helps providers reduce costs and improve patient health outcomes

Date Awarded: September 30, 2021
Amount: $125,000.00

Clinify Health partners with providers to address all aspects of improving population health at the individual patient level. The company allows providers to maximize financial performance under value-based contracts so that if population health is improved, financial opportunities improve as well. The company’s digital platform helps providers to realize the value that they’re already creating and to increase their revenues, which they can then use to provide more and better care.

Clinify Health is more than just a telehealth solution or a one-fix solution. For example, one clinic has used Clinify Health’s technology to focus on preventive screenings, increasing breast cancer screenings by double digits among primarily Black women living on low incomes. By helping these women get screenings early on, Clinify Health is helping providers stop some cancers from progressing to the need for chemotherapy or end-of-life treatments. Another clinic is now hiring community health workers to use the Clinify Health platform to conduct outreach and treat less complex health issues before they become bigger issues. This approach also allows physicians to prioritize their time for patients with the highest needs, improving patient outcomes across the community.

Founded in 2019, Clinify Health now works with nearly 55 practices serving 220,000 patients in Illinois and Georgia and is planning to expand to other states including California. CHCF’s Innovation Fund invested $125,000 in Clinify Health, part of a $3.1 million seed round with other investors that was announced in August. Learn more about Clinify Health.