Webinar — CHCF Leadership Program Prospective Applicant Information Session

About This Event

The CHCF Health Care Leadership Program helps to transform today’s clinicians into tomorrow’s leaders. Up to 32 physicians, behavioral health providers, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and other health care professionals are selected annually for this two-year part-time fellowship.

Fellows participate in the program while continuing to work at their home organizations. They attend six seminars during the course of the fellowship and meet in regional groups with designated leaders between seminars. Each fellow also completes a California Health Care Improvement Project of their choice, according to fellowship guidelines.

Prospective applicants to the CHCF Health Care Leadership Program are invited to this webinar to learn about the program and curriculum, and to hear directly from the program’s alumni about their experiences.

To learn more about the program, visit Healthforce Center at UCSF.

Applications are open now, and the deadline to apply is June 23, 2022.

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