SB 1004 Implementation Technical Assistance Series: Assessing Capacity and Launching Services

About This Event

To meet the requirements of SB 1004, plans and providers need to understand existing capacity to provide services and address any gaps, and build an implementation strategy that best suits local needs and available resources.


  • Describe the conditions and supports required to optimize the delivery of SB 1004 palliative care
  • Outline approaches to assess the palliative care capacity of local providers, and to identify any gaps in readiness to deliver SB 1004 palliative care
  • Discuss strategies to optimize referral of eligible members
  • Describe lessons learned about patient referral from existing Medi-Cal palliative care programs

This webinar addressed what is needed to successfully deliver SB 1004 palliative care, including assessing and filling service gaps, and strategies to optimize patient engagement. A recording of the webinar is available below.

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