Promising Practices in CalAIM: Spotlight on Community Partnerships

About This Event

CalAIM (California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal) is a multiyear reform led by the California Department of Health Care Services to improve the health outcomes and the overall well-being of Medi-Cal enrollees. This care delivery and payment reform initiative is designed to expand access to coordinated, whole-person care, and address health-related social needs. Launched earlier this year, two key components of CalAIM include:

  • Community Supports — 14 services that address social needs like food and housing insecurity
  • Enhanced Care Management — high-touch care coordination for people with multiple complex needs

CalAIM is an ambitious initiative requiring significant change management, partnership building, and investment. This Center for Health Care Strategies webinar will explore innovative approaches on how to best implement CalAIM, featuring two health plans and one community-based organization. Lessons can inform stakeholders in California and others across the country seeking to improve health care services for people with complex needs.

Health plans, community-based organizations, patients, patient advocates, state agencies, and other interested stakeholders in California and nationally are invited to join this 60-minute event.

To view a recording of the webinar, please visit the Center for Health Care Strategies.

CHCF is proud to support this webinar.


Kelly Bruno-Nelson, MSW
Executive Director, Medi-Cal/CalAIM, CalOptima

Milo Peinemann, MPL
CEO, American Family Housing

Takashi Wada, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer, Inland Empire Health Plan

Matthew Wray, MPA
Integration Process Manager, Inland Empire Health Plan

The event will be moderated by Diana Crumley, JD, MPA, senior program officer, CHCS. Crumley and Melora Simon, MPH, associate director, CHCF, will provide opening remarks.

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