Publications / Infographic — Old Payment Rules Are Hurting Health Center Patients During the COVID-19 Crisis

Infographic — Old Payment Rules Are Hurting Health Center Patients During the COVID-19 Crisis

Old payment rules are hindering the ability of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and FQHC Look-Alikes (health centers) to care for their approximately four million Medi-Cal patients, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Historically, health centers have only been paid for in-person visits, which have plummeted. Even with emergency payments for telehealth during COVID-19, many health centers are struggling to keep their doors open at a time when patients can’t afford to lose access to care.

Patient-centered payment would give heath centers the flexibility they need to better serve patients now and into the future. See what kind of care is possible for patients under traditional payment versus patient-centered payment. Learn more in this issue brief from CHCF.