Publications / COVID-19 Resources and CHCF Grantmaking: Maternity Care

COVID-19 Resources and CHCF Grantmaking: Maternity Care

COVID-19 is raising many issues about how maternity care is being delivered. We’ve compiled a set of online resources and other materials we have found which we hope are helpful to you.

There is a lot of information out there, so please contact us if you have suggested updates or online resources to add.

General Resources for Maternal and Infant Health

COVID-19 (California Department of Public Health [CDPH])

COVID-19: Women and Families (Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Division, CDPH)

COVID-19 Resources for Maternal and Infant Health (California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative and California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative)

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): What You Need to Know About Its Impact on Moms and Babies (March of Dimes)

PRIORITY: Pregnancy Coronavirus Outcomes Registry (University of California, San Francisco)

Black America and COVID-19: Gender & Sexuality (Harvard University)

Urgent Maternal Warning Signs. This tool, available in online and PDF formats, is designed to empower patients to trust their bodies, speak up, and be heard. (Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care)

Hear Her. This campaign is designed to raise awareness of potentially life-threatening warning signs during and after pregnancy, and improve communication between patients and their health care team. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Resources for Physicians and Hospitals

COVID-19 FAQs for Obstetrician-Gynecologists, Gynecology (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

Coronavirus Response (California Hospital Association)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Considerations for Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

How is the Pandemic Changing Perinatal Health Care (Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies)

Mental Health and Support

COVID-19 Resources and Support (Maternal Mental Health Now)

Helpline for Mothers / Birthing People (Postpartum Support International)

Analysis of Effects on Pregnant Women

Black Mamas Can Thrive During Childbirth, COVID-19 or Not
During the pandemic, the feelings of uncertainty that pregnancy already brings are amplified, particularly for Black women. (Joia Crear-Perry, Essence, March 19, 2020)

UCSF Study Investigates Coronavirus Impact on Pregnancy
A new UCSF study, the Pregnancy Coronavirus Outcomes Registry, seeks to better understand how the novel coronavirus affects pregnant women and their babies. (Sarah Feldberg, SF Chronicle, April 10, 2020)

CHCF COVID-19 Maternity Care Projects

Because CHCF is a philanthropy specifically focused on California’s health care system, the pandemic is significantly impacting our partners and the work we support. CHCF is funding projects across our goals to support the delivery system at this difficult time. Specific to maternity care and COVID-19, CHCF has funded the following work to date:

  • COVID-19 Pregnancy Outcomes Registry
    UCSF’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is developing and recruiting patients for a national COVID-19 pregnancy registry to inform and improve the care of pregnant patients with COVID-19 and their newborns. Focus is on gathering and sharing information quickly to inform patient care now as well as understanding the impact of COVID-19-related practice changes on health outcomes and patient experience. UCSF is collaborating with the allied National Institutes of Health effort. (In process)
  • Diversity Uplifts
    Diversity Uplifts is leading an effort to support Black women / birthing people during the COVID-19 pandemic in several ways, including providing virtual doula care in five California counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Bernardino/Riverside [Inland Empire]) and establishing a statewide doula hotline. (In process)
  • California Breastfeeding Coalition (CBC)
    CBC is designing and hosting a series of webinars to educate health care providers and is conducting a social media campaign to reach pregnant and breastfeeding families on Medi-Cal to support accurate messaging about breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic. (In process)
  • BreastfeedLA
    This group’s COVID-19 Response Team is offering programming and developing tools specific to the COVID-19 pandemic for pregnant and new mothers / birthing people and their providers in Los Angeles County where one-third of all births in the state occur. (In process)
  • California Black Women’s Health Project
    The California Black Women’s Health Project is providing training and support to Black birth workers who are supporting Black mothers / birthing people during the COVID-19 pandemic, including training on maternal mental health, capacity building for providing care virtually, and virtual safe spaces to help address stress and burnout during the pandemic. (In process)