Publications / CIN Resource Kit: Improving Provider Well-Being

CIN Resource Kit: Improving Provider Well-Being

Provider burnout is on the rise, yet optimal provider well-being is necessary for high-quality care: Thriving providers have better patient outcomes and higher patient satisfaction scores, and they are less likely to make mistakes. They are also less likely to leave their organizations. This resource kit can serve as a starting point to tackle burnout at health care organizations.

Must-Read Article

Physician Well-Being: The Reciprocity of Practice Efficiency, Culture of Wellness, and Personal Resilience
Defines provider well-being and provides an evidence-based approach for holistically improving provider well-being and the performance of health care systems. (Bryan Bohman et al., New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, August 7, 2017)

If You Want to Learn More

Other Resources

A Tool to Try

Experiment with a short, validated tool from the Mayo Clinic (PDF, p. 3). The questions in Table 1, “Items Evaluating Physician Opinion of the Leadership Qualities of Their Immediate Physician Supervisor,” will help you assess burnout in your own organization and provide feedback to managers to help make improvements in provider well-being.

Source: “Impact of Organizational Leadership on Physician Burnout and Satisfaction” (Tait Shanafelt et al., Mayo Clinic Proceedings, March 18, 2015)