Publications / CIN Programming: A Roadmap for 2020–21

CIN Programming: A Roadmap for 2020–21

The California Improvement Network (CIN) is a learning and action network that aims to advance the quadruple aim by identifying and spreading better ideas for care delivery. The network is fueled by the energy and innovations of its partner and member organizations. CIN is a project of the California Health Care Foundation and managed by Healthforce Center at UCSF.  Through a collaborative design process with CIN partners over the last several months, the network has identified three priority areas for learning and action in 2020–21.

  • Resilient leadership with a focus on cultivating a culture of wellness, shared processes, and engaged leadership to create alignment.
  • Addressing social needs that impact health by determining which needs and populations to prioritize for specific interventions, supporting staff to effectively address these needs, partnering effectively with CBOs, and aligning with CalAIM.
  • Providing care differently through augmented and virtual reality mechanisms to support behavioral health care, as well as artificial intelligence to provide alternative primary care.
Priority Area Resilient Leadership
The foundation for all improvement efforts
Addressing Social Needs That Impact Health
Health begins where people live, work, and play
Providing Care Differently
New methods, future thinking
CIN Activities
  • Practical tools and resources for building resilience and leading change in self, teams, and organizations
  • Inspirational ideas to motivate and sustain teams, and reduce burnout, through change efforts
  • Opportunities to strengthen the CIN network
  • Support (e.g., technical assistance, grants) to advance social determinants of health (SDOH) pilots and programs
  • Access to expert advice and guidance on leading-edge SDOH practices (e.g., strategy, increasing internal capacity, building partnerships)
  • Exposure to emerging primary and behavioral health care models, with a focus on those that leverage artificial/ augmented intelligence and augmented/virtual reality to deliver enhanced care, increase capacity, and reduce cost
CIN Goals Establish and maintain a network of strong, resilient health care leaders and organizations able to drive continuous improvement efforts Understand, create, and implement effective methods for addressing all factors that influence health and well-being Improve care outcomes, increase access, and reduce costs by reconsidering and expanding the modes, methods, sites, and the roles within the health care workforce

These priorities reflect CIN’s commitment to provide timely and useful knowledge, enabling quality improvement leaders to learn and incorporate leading-edge practices and concepts into improvement efforts. Over the coming two years, CIN will provide technical assistance programming, resources, and activities to support advancements in these areas.

Join Our Campaign to Spread Innovation

Are you doing innovative work in any of the above topics that you’d like to share with the network? Email us your stories so we can spread better ideas for care delivery throughout California.

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