Publications / CIN Partners Share: The Engine for Excellent Care, New Directions for Primary Care Teams

CIN Partners Share: The Engine for Excellent Care, New Directions for Primary Care Teams

Team-based care is an essential ingredient in achieving the Quadruple Aim: improved population health, improved patient experience, improved provider and staff experience, and reduced cost. Evaluators have cited team-based care as the most promising strategy for improving primary care, but also as one of the most challenging changes associated with practice transformation.

The partner organizations of the California Improvement Network (CIN) met in May 2016 to reflect on the continued evolution of team-based care. Participants and invited presenters shared how they are changing the composition and the work of care teams to meet new challenges (such as better tailoring care for patient populations with different needs) and to capitalize on new opportunities (such as virtual care and changing payment models).

The meeting included presentations from:

  • Permanente Medical Group of Southern California
  • Health Management Associates
  • Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center