Publications / CIN Connections, Spring 2021 — Addressing Racism to Improve Health

CIN Connections, Spring 2021 — Addressing Racism to Improve Health

This issue of CIN Connections contains strategies and reflections from health care leaders as they grapple with how to abolish racism to improve health and remove roadblocks to real health equity. Hear from Dr. Rhea Boyd of the California Children’s Trust and of 2-1-1 San Diego about how structural racism impacts health across generations, and how health care organizations can work toward becoming actively anti-racist.

Dr. James Kyle of L.A. Care Health Plan and Jenn Frost of Kaiser Permanente share the lessons their organizations learned on how to ensure equity by dismantling organizational policies that perpetuate inequities and integrating equity into efforts to address social needs that impact health.

Lastly, learn concrete steps that can move organizations from being non-racist to being actively anti-racist, and to intentionally design interventions addressing social needs that impact health so that they also address racism as a root cause of poor health.

See the related resources page for this topic.


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