Publications / California Health Providers’ Attitudes Regarding a COVID-19 Vaccine, March 2021

California Health Providers’ Attitudes Regarding a COVID-19 Vaccine, March 2021

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In mid-February, two months after the first health care providers began receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in California, the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) partnered with Goodwin Simon Strategic Research to conduct a statewide survey of California health care providers. The goal was to learn about providers’ personal vaccine experience and perspectives on issues around COVID-19 vaccines including the vaccination program for the general public in California. This survey is the second wave of a two-part series of research focused on health care providers and the COVID-19 vaccine. The results of this second-wave study are compared to the first wave of the survey, conducted December 2–9, 2020, where applicable.

The survey found that nearly all providers (99%) have received a COVID-19 vaccine or plan to get it when a vaccine becomes available to them. Vaccination rates are largely consistent across occupation, workplace setting, region, gender, age, race/ethnicity, and patient population (safety-net and non-safety-net, proportion of patients of color).

The full report, available for download below, shows data broken down by region, age, race, gender, and income. Also available are the charts and the detailed topline results.

About the Authors

Goodwin Simon Strategic Research (GSSR) is an independent opinion research firm with decades of experience in polling, policy analysis, and communications strategy for clients in the public and private sectors. GSSR Founding Partner Amy Simon, Partner John Whaley, Research Analyst Andrea Hackl, and independent researcher Sharon Pinkerton all contributed their thought leadership on this survey research in collaboration with the California Health Care Foundation.