Publications / California Map: Quality in Medi-Cal Managed Care, County by County

California Map: Quality in Medi-Cal Managed Care, County by County

A 2019 CHCF-funded study by the University of California, San Francisco, examined trends in the quality of care provided by Medi-Cal managed care plans between 2009 and 2018. Data from this study were used to create local quality snapshots, which show the quality of care provided by specific Medi-Cal managed care plans in specific counties or regions during the same period. The snapshots focus on trends for five key quality measures among the approximately 40 analyzed in the UCSF study:

    1. Cervical cancer screening
    2. Childhood immunizations
    3. Access to primary care for children 12–24 months
    4. Timeliness of prenatal care
    5. Controlling high blood pressure

To see the full data on how plans performed on the more extensive set of measures, download the zip file named “Quality Measures by Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan and Year, 2009 – 2018” available under Document Downloads on the UCSF study page.

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