Publications / CalAIM Community Supports Early Adopters: Spotlight on Day Habilitation

CalAIM Community Supports Early Adopters: Spotlight on Day Habilitation

CalAIM (California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal) enables managed care plans to offer 14 Community Supports, services not traditionally covered by Medi-Cal that address health-related social needs. Some of these services, like housing navigation and medically tailored meals, have been readily adopted by participating health plans since the launch of Community Supports in 2022, while others have gotten off to a slower start. This fact sheet profiles one of these services with relatively low adoption — day habilitation.

Day habilitation programs focus on building the skills necessary for developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and supporting daily living skills. Among those skills are the abilities to work and keep a job.

In the fact sheet, learn about two organizations in Orange County successfully partnering to offer day habilitation — CalOptima Health, the local managed care plan, and Chrysalis, a nonprofit organization based in Southern California that is dedicated to “changing lives through jobs.”

This fact sheet is drawn from a webinar in a Center for Health Care Strategies series created to help increase uptake of Community Supports by spotlighting early adopters of services that have not been widely implemented. The webinars highlight provider-plan relationships to amplify promising practices for increasing Community Supports uptake across all 14 services.