Publications / 2019 Edition — California Hospitals

2019 Edition — California Hospitals

California’s general acute care (GAC) hospitals discharged 3.8 million patients and had 45 million outpatient visits in 2017. This quick reference guide provides an overview of the state’s GAC hospitals, including number of beds, use of services, and selected financial measures.

The full Almanac report will be available in 2020. These materials are part of CHCF’s California Health Care Almanac, an online clearinghouse for key data and analyses describing the state’s health care landscape. See our entire collection of current and past editions of California Hospitals and Emergency Departments.

For more data and analysis on this topic, visit these resources from the American Hospital Association, the California Department of Finance,, and these reports on hospital use and patient discharge from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.

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