About Us / CHCF Staff / Kristy Nkechi Agamegwa


Kristy Nkechi Agamegwa

Email Marketing and CRM Strategist


Kristy Agamegwa is CHCF’s Email Marketing and CRM Strategist. As the administrator of CHCF’s CRM system, she is the primary steward of the CRM data and system and is responsible for measuring audience engagement and championing use of CRM system among staff. In addition, she manages the email marketing campaigns for the foundation. 

Prior to joining CHCF, Kristy worked at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, where she focused on maximizing the value of CRM across the organization’s departments and led a staff training program. Kristy has worked at education-oriented organizations and for-profit companies in various customer service positions. She is experienced in using and training others to use a wide range of databases and online tools. Kristy received a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles.


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