Webinar Series — Fostering Cross-System Collaboration Between Health and Homeless Systems of Care

About This Event

On any given day, more than 150,000 people experience homelessness in California. CHCF and Homebase are hosting a three-part webinar series designed to foster cross-system coordination between the health and homeless sectors.

Webinar on August 25, 2021

The first webinar, held August 25, provided an introduction to Coordinated Entry, a process each community sets up to ensure people experiencing or at risk of homelessness are prioritized for resources based on severity of need.

The webinar featured:

  • A welcome by Michelle Schneidermann, MD, director of the California Health Care Foundation’s People-Centered Care team
  • “Coordinated Entry 101” by Gillian Morshedi, directing attorney, Homebase
  • Opportunities to ask questions about the basics of homeless response systems and Coordinated Entry


Webinar on September 22, 2021

The second webinar, held September 22, provided specific examples of health care providers actively participating in their communities’ Coordinated Entry systems. The webinar featured:

  • A welcome by Michelle Schneidermann, MD, director of CHCFs People-Centered Care team
  • An overview of health care and homeless system partnerships by Gillian Morshedi, directing attorney, Homebase
  • A panel of community presenters who will share their experiences


Webinar on September 29, 2021

The third and final webinar, held September 29, covered sharing data across health and homeless systems of care. The webinar featured:

  • A welcome by Michelle Schneidermann, MD, director of CHCF’s People-Centered Care team
  • “Challenges and Opportunities for Cross-Sector Data Sharing” by Julie Silas, directing attorney, Homebase
  • “Communities in Action” — on-the-ground stories from community presenters


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