CIN Webinar — How to Integrate Substance Use Disorder Treatment into Primary Care

Best practices to expand the confidence and capability of primary care teams

About This Event

While 8% of Californians have substance use disorder (SUD), the vast majority do not receive treatment. Closing the gap will require expanding access to SUD treatment by integrating SUD services into primary care organizations and practices.

This webinar, which featured the California Improvement Network’s newly released toolkit, is a guide for primary care organizations and care teams working to integrate SUD treatment services. Presenters summarized three strategies and associated tactics to advance integration efforts among care teams:

  1.  Shift attitudes about addiction.
  2.  Increase awareness about community and patient impact.
  3.  Accelerate access to treatment.

For each strategy, the webinar presenters highlighted the actions and resources with the most impact, based on feedback from experienced organizations and evidence-based literature.


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