Getting health care can be a complicated and confusing process. Consumers attempting to navigate the system often need straightforward, unbiased guidance. This page offers resources to help consumers get health insurance and find medical providers.
Covered California
This online marketplace connects Californians to affordable health insurance and allows them to compare and choose coverage that best fits their needs and budgets. (800.300.1506 or 888.889.4500 [TTY])
Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program. It provides health care coverage for more than six million children and families with low incomes as well as elderly, blind, or disabled individuals. People can find out about their eligibility for Medi-Cal and enroll through their county social services department. County agencies also can help people who have low incomes with their Medicare drug benefit. To learn more, enroll, get help, or report problems with coverage, visit the Medi-Cal website. (916.552.9200 or 800.952.8349 [TDD])
To contact your county’s local services office.
Medical Board of California
To check up on your doctor’s license and/or file a complaint about health care. (800.633.2322)
California Primary Care Association
For referral to local health care clinics. (916.440.8170)
California Office of the Patient Advocate
For problems with health plans and insurance coverage. Also offers a total cost of care rating for physician organizations. (888.466.2219)
DMHC Help Center
The California Department of Managed Health Care regulates all HMOs in California and helps with resolving problems with Medicare HMOs such as denials of care. (888.466.2219 or 877.688.9891 [TDD])