Publications / How Many Californians Would Lose Coverage Under the AHCA?

How Many Californians Would Lose Coverage Under the AHCA?

Note: These data were updated on March 21, 2017, based on a methodology correction.

The Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated the number of people who would be uninsured by 2026 in each US congressional district under the Trump administration’s American Health Care Act (AHCA). In most cases, CAP used the Congressional Budget Office’s national estimate and allocated it proportionally among districts.

Coverage losses projected in California across various coverage types:

  • Total coverage loss (nonelderly): 2,603,800
  • Medi-Cal (nonelderly adults): 230,600
  • Medi-Cal (children): 455,900
  • Medi-Cal (nonelderly disabled): 91,700
  • Medi-Cal (elderly): 159,700
  • Employer-sponsored insurance: 805,700

Get the data for each California district using the zipped file under Document Downloads. A one-page handout with the California data is also available.

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