Safe and Competent Opioid Prescribing Education (SCOPE) Training

About This Event

Waterfront Hotel in Oakland, CA

Designed for doctors, advance practice clinicians, and pharmacists, Safe and Competent Opioid Prescribing Education (SCOPE) of Pain is a free CME course that will help providers safely and effectively manage patients with chronic pain and better understand the risks of opioid analgesics.

Educational objectives include:

  • Learn appropriate assessment, monitoring, and documentation strategies to meet best practice standards and medico-legal requirements when treating patients with chronic opioid therapy (COT).
  • Practice a practical framework for decisionmaking on the initiation, dosage modification, and discontinuation of opioid analgesics in the treatment of chronic pain.
  • Develop consistent practice tools to adequately assess risk in patients being considered for COT and to effectively manage COT.
  • Learn to confidently counsel patients and caregivers about the safe use of opioid medications, and communicate about the need for close monitoring.
  • Understand how to effectively communicate with patients you suspect may be misusing opioid analgesics.
  • Demonstrate increased understanding of general- and product-specific information of long-acting opioid analgesics.

This training is led by Boston University School of Medicine, in collaboration with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies and the Federation of State Medical Boards, and is sponsored by CHCF.

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