Briefing — Monitoring Performance: A Dashboard of Medi-Cal Managed Care

About This Event

Dashboards of key performance indicators are commonly used by businesses and increasingly in the public sector. Now the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has implemented a dashboard to monitor the performance of the Medi-Cal managed care program and participating health plans. A report from the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) gives the first look at the key indicators used.

CHCF held a Sacramento briefing to cover highlights from the report, including measures of care quality, consumer experience, and health plan finances.

Among the topics discussed:

  • What are the areas in which Medi-Cal managed care is performing well?
  • What are the areas in which improvements are needed?
  • How does performance vary among participating health plans?
  • How is DHCS using a performance dashboard to monitor Medi-Cal managed care?
  • How can the dashboard improve legislative oversight?
  • What are the strengths of performance dashboards as monitoring tools, and what are their limitations?
  • What steps should be taken to improve the dashboard?

Speakers included:

  • Anne Jacobs, MHA, managing director, Navigant Consulting
  • Hanford Lin, MHA, associate director, Navigant Consulting
  • Chris Perrone, MPP, deputy director of Health Reform and Public Programs, CHCF
  • Marjorie Swartz, JD, principal consultant, California Assembly Committee on Health
  • Margaret Tatar, JD, assistant deputy director, Health Care Delivery Systems, DHCS

A recording of the event and the presentation slides are available below. The complete report is available through the Related CHCF page below.

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