Briefing — All Health Care Is Local: California’s Diverse Health Economies

About This Event

Health care delivery, like politics, is local. How medical care is organized, delivered, and financed in California varies by region. To better understand these differences, the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) commissioned studies of six large and diverse regional markets.

CHCF hosted a Sacramento briefing to provide insights into local health care systems — including hospitals, physician groups, and community clinics — as well as to identify common themes and emerging issues that influence how Californians receive care. Dr. Paul Ginsburg, president of the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC), discussed the findings from the six reports, which cover Fresno, Los Angeles, Riverside/San Bernardino, Sacramento, San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

The reports are published as part of the CHCF California Health Care Almanac, an online clearinghouse for key data and analysis examining California’s medical system.

A video of the briefing, the transcript, and the presentation slides are available below.

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