Publications / Individual Health Insurance Premium Growth in California

Individual Health Insurance Premium Growth in California

In this interactive data graphic, each bubble represents a rate filing for an insurer’s individual market products, and the bubble size reflects the number of enrollees affected. Use filters to explore increases by year, insurer, regulator, and more. Hover to see median values and carrier details. The median rate increase for the entire 2011-2017 period was 9.0% per year, with half of all increases falling between 5.2% and 12.0%. The median rate increase in 2017 was 10.0% — higher than 2015 and 2016. In 2017, half of all individual rate increases fell between 5.7% and 15.3%. The 2017 figures are preliminary; the majority of the increases are finalized, but two rate filings are still under review and a few have yet to be submitted. Also see below an Excel workbook with the finalized data set.


On/Off Exchange Status: This indicates whether products are available through (“On” or “Off”) Covered California, the state’s health insurance exchange. “On & Off” indicates products are offered through both Covered California and the non-exchange market. “N/A” indicates “not applicable” for filings prior to ACA implementation (2011-2013).

Data Source: Data are drawn from insurers’ rate filings submitted to California regulators — California Department of Insurance Rate Filings and Department of Managed Health Care Premium Rate Review Filings. All health insurance premium increases for individual and small group coverage are subject to rate review by California regulators. Each rate filing covers an entire pool of individual products — for example, all of an insurer’s individual non-grandfathered products — and sets forth an overall average increase for them. (Filings accessed February 21, 2017.)

Methodology: This analysis extends the data collection and analysis published last year by CHCF. Rate increases were collected from regulators’ public postings. Increases shown are for renewing products with effective dates from 2011 through 2017. Filings with any of these attributes were excluded: withdrawn, new product, no enrollees, or missing an effective date. In the current version, the 2017 figures, including the median increase, are preliminary, as some filings are still under review and others may not yet have been submitted. All results are subject to revision should changes or additional filings be posted by regulators.

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